导演:Phil Grabsky
时间:2023-12-14 10:12:03
简介:EXHIBITION ON SCREEN is thrilled to present one of the most talked about exhibitions of the year. DeEXHIBITION ON SCREEN is thrilled to present one of the most talked about exhibitions of the year. Dedicated to the portrait work of Paul Cézanne, the exhibition opens in Paris before traveling to London and Washington. One can’t appreciate 20th century art without understanding the significance and genius of Paul Cézanne. Featuring interviews with curators and experts from the National Portrait Gallery London, MoMA New York, National Gallery of Art Washington, and Musée d’Orsay Paris, and correspondence from the artist himself, the film takes audiences beyond the exhibition to the places Cézanne lived and worked and sheds light on an artist who is perhaps the least known of all the impressionists – until now.86.57和梵高传都是我认为拍摄手法都叼的故事,小时候临摹画,长大学习他作品的时候只觉得不理解,这个故事讲的很好宿命啊塞尚和梵高的命运轨迹颇为相似 性格 际遇 父(母)的反对 连自我怀疑都如出一辙 真是令人扼腕叹息 不足的是穿插着大段法语 也不给个翻译 哪怕加个字幕也好啊 我还可以图片翻译一下 所以电影几乎一半时间我都是一脸懵逼好看的惹详情