藏爱之咒剧情介绍,A rich family that is believed to be cursed because of the mysterious death of all the men in the family leaving only the women alive. This is the story about how sweet and innocen本站提供《藏爱之咒》免费在线观看,Kittisak Cheewasatjasakun 导演,由坤纳荣·帕拉德乐娜塔妮查·纳瓦塔纳瓦尼麦察蓉普拉凯塞利亚·麦克托什塔拉·提帕 等领衔主演,《藏爱之咒》类型为连续剧,对白语言为泰语,《藏爱之咒》全片(剧)时长45分钟,以下为《藏爱之咒》剧情简介:A rich family that is believed to be cursed because of the mysterious death of all the men in the family leaving only the women alive. This is the story about how sweet and innocent love flourishes in the middle of harsh tribulations, and how far scarier than a mystical curse is the curse caused by love, greed, anger, and delusion in the human heart.by:kratingg的长脸我是真的永远get不到,nychaa辛苦了其实设定挺戳我的,但男女主感情戏约等于没有哇,主线部分也比较无趣这剧也是死好多主角啊…剧情有点高开低走,而且我觉得不算悬疑,毕竟开头就知道真凶了…就是看大家族女人们的宫心计。剧情设计也有一些不合理的地方,不管是前面铺路给Hong姨疯杀还是后面大家又集体联手逼她认罪…男主有点木,和Nychaa没有CP感,还好感情线也不算主线。大mai演技不错详情