那小子是我的剧情介绍,这个故事聚焦于摄影俱乐部的学生。Nut是一名大学生,几年前因个人原因辍学后刚刚重返校园。现在,他正试图从他上一次的心碎中走出来,他的男朋友声称爱他,但选择了欺骗。在对爱情失去信心后,他在自己的心周围筑起了高墙,不让任何人轻易进入,直到萨莎出现。这两个人一开始关系就不太好,但年轻的那个人似乎不能放过纳特。加入同一个学校社团后,两人的关系越来越密切,他们的感情开本站提供《那小子是我的》免费在线观看,内详 导演,由内特.坦纳查.帕欧森 Atiwat 等领衔主演,《那小子是我的》类型为连续剧,对白语言为泰语,《那小子是我的》全片(剧)时长45分钟,以下为《那小子是我的》剧情简介:这个故事聚焦于摄影俱乐部的学生。Nut是一名大学生,几年前因个人原因辍学后刚刚重返校园。现在,他正试图从他上一次的心碎中走出来,他的男朋友声称爱他,但选择了欺骗。在对爱情失去信心后,他在自己的心周围筑起了高墙,不让任何人轻易进入,直到萨莎出现。这两个人一开始关系就不太好,但年轻的那个人似乎不能放过纳特。加入同一个学校社团后,两人的关系越来越密切,他们的感情开始变得更加明显。当通往幸福的道路上有其他障碍时,生活和爱情并不总是一帆风顺,暗恋、前男友和他人的评价似乎都想阻碍这些现在跳动的心脏。过去总能给一个人的生活上新的一课,但过去永远不应该摧毁现在。 This story focuses on students in the photography club. Nut is a university student who just returned to school after dropping out for personal reasons a few years prior. Right now, he is just trying to get by and move on from his last heartbreak where his boyfriend claimed to love him but chose to cheat. After losing faith in love, he built walls around his heart and doesn't let anyone in easily, that is until Satha appears. The two don't start off on the right foot, but the younger man can't seem to leave Nut alone. After joining the same school club, the two grow closer, and their feelings start to become more apparent. Life and love don't always come easy when there are other obstacles on the path to happiness, secret crushes, an ex-boyfriend, and the judgement of others all seem to want to hinder these now palpitating hearts. The past can always teach one a new lesson in life, but that past should never destroy the present.大叔真的有够老 以为真是大叔 原来演的是学生呀 样子我觉得还ok还行,能看下去~第十集的副CP好可爱哈哈,主CP也终于能有点进展看完了12集的生肉,应该是完结了吧!?剧情好像跟简介不符的亚子。。。这剧的生肉有英语字幕,所以我看这剧纯粹就是为了看生肉的时候锻炼自己的泰语和英语哈哈哈,刚好这部剧的台词比较简单~那小子是我的耐心看完的剧,虽然泰剧不能带脑子,但总体算是不错,可看前面还好能看,到后面是自动按了15倍快进吗⏩……想赶着下班一样详情