主演:Jana McKinnon 里斯·曼尼恩 钱尼尔·库勒 Josephine Blazier 西奥·奥吉尔·伯纳旺提尔 E
导演:Helena Hufnagel
时间:2023-12-09 03:12:03
简介:17-year-old Liv has just moved to London with her mother Ann and little sister Mia, where she meets 17-year-old Liv has just moved to London with her mother Ann and little sister Mia, where she meets the mysterious Henry, who has an extraordinary ability. Namely, he possesses the ability of lucid dreaming. But this kind of adventuring and playing with dreams can become very dangerous. An exciting and engaging youth adventure film based on the highly successful youth novel of the same name, where love, youthful curiosity and rebelliousness meet. 源自:青春童话。备剪。silver是人名,梦想是梦境,翻译误导了。形容电影的话就是青春,清新,冒险吧。演员都好顺眼,特别是女主,长了张文艺脸。音乐很有品味,观感特别舒服,不过看的是英语配音的,现在想想有点后悔应该听原版,但是没有一点违和,刚啃完生肉字幕就出来了,难受梦境可以,女主的心魔走向和演绎也可以,现实中几个年轻学生跳跳扯扯没什么意思,可能适合年轻人看。特別喜歡夢境及潛意識相關的題材,雖然目前看過的所有相關題材的電影都不如預期,總感覺可以拍得更好。女主角長得有點像Anton Yelchin男女主角第一次在夢境中的墓園見面時,男主角一直盯著女主角看,女主角說:「拍下來可以一直看喔!」這個回應真是太神了,我也要學起來結局綠門不知道是不是給續集留伏筆。一群自以为很深刻很神秘的欧美青少年,闲得没事干作死。但是,用来打发时光还行。详情