简介:Finally, a sequel to the seminal Mel Brooks film, HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART I, with each episode feaFinally, a sequel to the seminal Mel Brooks film, HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART I, with each episode featuring a variety of sketches that take us through different periods of human history.老爷子对于Beatles恶搞真的不留情面挺好看的乱炖非常尴尬的笑点,屎尿屁横飞的美式喜剧套路,完全赶不上同类题材的《糟糕历史》,好歹能有点扎实的历史科普。哈哈哈如果能像糟糕历史一样有注释就好了,对很多部分的真实历史细节不是很清楚,搞不清恶搞的成分有多少。详情