主演:安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞 威廉·温德姆 罗恩·马萨克 朱莉·亚当斯 兰·卡琉 基思·米切尔
时间:2022-01-01 09:01:03
简介:Golden Globe® winner Angela Lansbury returns as mystery writer Jessica Fletcher, and with more 'CaboGolden Globe® winner Angela Lansbury returns as mystery writer Jessica Fletcher, and with more 'Cabot Cove Syndrome' happening, more people are turning up dead wherever she ventures. Jessica (Lansbury) is the only one clever enough to read between the lines and see the clues nobody else knew were there. Along for the chase are amazing guest stars like Harvey Fierstein (Independence Day), Jon Polito (Miller's Crossing), David Soul (Starsky & Hutch), Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother), plus many others.很好看的片子,现在不知道哪里能找到了。。这两季看得有点审美疲劳,不知道是案件简单了还是我看得有点仔细了,总觉得有点拖沓。但是毕竟是现在少有的类型了,感谢字幕组坚持。自从Angela接手制片人后全剧质量开始下滑,剧本越来越无力,对白越来越枯燥,人物越来越苍白,如Haggerty这样有亮点的客串角色也被设置得越来越蠢,只知道围着主角转。本季E4最精彩,凶手好猜但有个大型不可能犯罪诡计,E19真凶出乎意料,亮点是没出现死人的E9和E15,其他部分乏善可陈。一集一个小案子,不算难,也不是很惊险刺激,非常典型的上世纪欧美风格,打发时间还行开始摆烂详情