刹那所有剧情介绍,A film essay about a singular couple, Paco and Manolo, two Catalan photographers from the outskirts of Barcelona, who have been together for thirty years. Both have managed to work本站提供《刹那所有》免费在线观看,Alberto Fuguet 导演,由Paco Moyano Manolo Rodríguez Francesc Mulet 等领衔主演,《刹那所有》类型为电影,对白语言为西班牙语,《刹那所有》全片(剧)时长102分钟分钟,以下为《刹那所有》剧情简介:A film essay about a singular couple, Paco and Manolo, two Catalan photographers from the outskirts of Barcelona, who have been together for thirty years. Both have managed to work as a single photographer and have captured their imagery in the Kink magazine, a very personal photography fanzine with an essentially Mediterranean homoerotic aesthetic. Paco and Manolo’s style can be summarized in simplicity, the use of natural light, abandoned places and simple rooms, managing to record the Sex Appeal of the working class, an unprejudiced mix of aesthetics that goes from Caravaggio to Pasolini. The method of these artists consists in being discreet witnesses of the morbidity and intimacy of those men who contact them (through Social Networks) with the desire to be portrayed naked of all prejudice. The clothes fall, the bodies are freed and the souls end up being captured by the lens of this intensely cultured, cinematic and urban couple.一对夫夫拍摄关于男体男欲的所有,而这本叫Kink的月刊在西班牙书店而非情趣商店出售。“每个摄影师都是窥淫癖者”,电影如实传达自然主义拍摄理念,还原建立在酷儿凝视之上的生活。只有当纪录片的耻度不低于它所纪录的对象时,拍出来才不是一条封建裹脚布~#23rd Miami OUTshine 在他们的眼中这本杂志无关乎色情,而且表达真实自我和内心感受的方式。无论外面的世界如何人来人往,他们对拍摄杂志的初衷未变,朴实平凡的摄影风格,也是他们之所以坚持和porn区别的原因。(作为纪录片,里面两位主角的对话占比有点过多,看着容易让人疲劳,还好有可以大饱眼福的内容可以缓解一下hhh)视觉表达太碎片,特别是访谈过程中夫夫的西语本身内容多、语速快(且英文字幕质量不高,不像native speaker译的)还要频繁穿插一两秒钟的摄影素材,看到后面真的眼花头晕…以及,明明是采访那么有趣的人、那么有趣的经历,却问不出一个超出预期的问题,我挺失望的… ps. 1h2m26s终于看到了唯一认识的sunny colucci台词量太大,没字幕看得有点头疼……不过看到大家在镜头前都那么坦诚那么真实,还是有点感触的。正所谓释放自己,接受自己,这其实是毕生要学习的课题,无关直弯。活色生香的男体盛宴,无关色情,只谈艺术。什么样的身体都值得被庆祝,什么样的感情都值得被赞赏。详情